Sizing a Mill
Sizing a Lathe
#1 Advantage of
Magnetic Scales

#2 Advantage of
Magnetic Scales
Installing a Mill
Kit - Part 1 of 4
Installing a Mill
Kit - Part 2 of 4
Installing a Mill
Kit - Part 3 of 4
Installing a Mill
Kit - Part 4 of 4
Installing a Lathe
Kit - Part 1 of 4
Installing a Lathe
Kit - Part 2 of 4
Installing a Lathe
Kit - Part 3 of 4
Installing a Lathe
Kit - Part 4 of 4
EL400 Display Overview
EL700 Display
Part 1 of 4
EL700 Display
Part 2 of 4
EL700 Display
Part 3 of 4
DRO PROS Intro Video
ARC Machining
Incline Tool Position
ES10 Overview
Sub Datum Memory
Line Hole Position
Bolt Hole Circle
Parameters Setup
Choosing Your Scales
Power Off Memory
Center Find Function
Changing Scale Direction



Order Line & Tech Help - Call now 1-707-452-8434

We speak English - We answer our phones - Lifetime Warranty on magnetic kits!

Magnetic Scales cannot be broken - Coolant & Dust Proof - Cut to length


2 Axis Mill Kits CLICK HERE

3 Axis Mill Kits CLICK HERE

4 Axis Mill Kits CLICK HERE


Scales up to 20 FEET LONG now available - Call for details




All Electronica Kits include magnetic scales:

Note the "hash marks" on the readhead and scale.

When installing the scale, make sure the readhead and scale "hash marks" are both installed on the same 'side' or the display might 'flicker'.



- Our Newest Mill Videos -  

"How to Size a Mill" #1 Advantage of Magnetic Scales #2 Advantage of Magnetic Scales EL400 Display Overview
How to correctly size your mill for an Electronica Magnetic DRO kit Details the #1 advantage of Magnetic Scales - Length Details the #2 advantage of Magnetic Scales -   Cut to Size Shows a complete overview of the EL400 magnetic display.
EL700 - Part 1   Overview   EL700 - Part 2   Quick Start EL700 - Part 3   Buttons   EL700 - Part 4   Functions
- Coming Soon -
Gives a quick overview of the Electronica EL700 color LCD display. Shows how to quickly setup and operate an Electronica EL700 color LCD display. Describes all of the buttons on the front of the Electronica EL700 color LCD display. Details all of the functions on an Electronica EL700 color LCD display.
Part 1 of 4 Part 2 of 4 Part 3 of 4 Part 4 of 4
"Parts & Pieces" "The X Axis" "The Y Axis" "The Display Head"
Covers how to quickly size a mill, followed by a detailed explanation of the parts and pieces. Details how to install the X Axis Scale on an Electronica Magnetic DRO kit. Details how to install the Y Axis Scale on an Electronica Magnetic DRO kit. Details how to install the Display Head on an Electronica Magnetic DRO kit.


Click HERE to download  "How to Cut Magnetic Scales".

Click HERE to download "Cutting Magnetic Scales for a 2 Axis Mill" worksheet.

Click HERE to download "Cutting Magnetic Scales for a 3 Axis Mill" worksheet.

Click HERE to download the "Changing Electronica EL300 Scale Read Direction" document.

Click HERE to download the "Changing Electronica EL400 Scale Read Direction" document.


Magnetic scale technology combines the best of optical and inductive technology. Just like inductive or "ball scales", magnetic scales are impervious to coolant or liquid, yet are slimmer, and cost half as much! They're easier to mount, more durable, and on par pricewise with optical scales. In summary, magnetic scales combine all the advantages of the other technologies, without retaining the negative qualities of being higher priced, or difficult to install, that inductive or "ball scales" suffer from.


If that wasn't enough, the Electronica bracket kits are the best we've ever seen. Unlike the competitors bracket kits, Electronica brackets are individually machined for accuracy, not cast. Our "Library" page includes a complete parts list and exploded assembly diagram - in short, no more missing parts or time consuming "how does this bracket fit together" sessions!


In summary, the Electronica Magnetic Scale Digital Readout kit is a revolutionary change to digital readouts as you know them! With the industries lowest profile reader head, this is a game changer!


Magnetic scales:

Do not contain glass - much more durable than any other type scale.

Are coolant and dust proof - have a full IP-67 rating, meaning they can't get contaminated like glass scales.

Can be easily cut to the length you need - no more "hanging off" the end of the cross slide - custom fit to your application!

Easy to mount - the scale is surface mounted directly to the table, not offset like other brands require!



Mill kits come standard with 5 micron (0.0002") resolution magnetic scales


The Electronica Mill packages include everything you need - a display head, mounting arm, power cord, detailed installation manual, a super detailed operators manual, shields, mounting hardware, brackets, etc. Additionally, all Electronica displays have a USB port on the back, ensuring it won't become obsolete when a new software update is released.


Stop paying our competitors outrageous prices! Outfit your machine today with magnetic scales at a DRO PROS price!


Electronica Magnetic Scale 2 Axis Mill Kits:


Electronica Magnetic Scale 2 Axis Mill Kits
Magnetic scales are the best - cut to length and can't be contaminated!
Machine Specific
Need help choosing between the EL300 & EL400 2 axis mill displays? Click HERE
Scales up to 20 FEET LONG now available - Call for details
Universal Display
Mill & Lathe Functions
Mill Specific
Touch Probe Port

Determining Magnetic Scale Length. Magnetic scales are named according to the amount of travel the scales are built to accommodate. This is the value you should use to match the travel of your machine. As a sidenote, maximum travel will be ~ 5/8" longer, and overall length will be 5-1/2" longer than stated scale size. Using a 12" scale as an example, it is designed to fully accommodate 12" of travel, it's maximum travel will be 12-5/8", and overall length will be 17-1/2".

10" x 20"
10" x 20"
12" x 30"
12" x 30"
12" x 36"
12" x 36"
16" x 40"
16" x 40"
18" x 40"
18" x 40"
Display Arm Bracket:
X Axis (longitudinal) Bracket:
Y Axis (in and out) Bracket:



Electronica 300 Series "Universal" 2 Axis Mill Display:

- The proper terminology for describing a 2 axis mill kit are X and Y.

- This display has X, Y and Z buttons on the front panel.

- Only the X and Y keys and display windows are functional.

- The back of the display only has connections for the X and Y axis.

- The display does not have "Quick Zero" buttons like the 400 model.

- The lower eight function keys are not mill specific like the 400 model.

- The 300 model does not have a "Touch Probe" port like the 400 model.



Electronica 400 "Machine Specific" 2 Axis Mill Display:

- The proper terminology for describing a 2 axis mill kit are X and Y.

- This display has the 'proper' X and Y buttons on the front panel.

- The back of the display has the proper connections for the X and Y axis.

- The front display has "Quick Zero" buttons for both the X and Y axis.

- The lower eight function keys are mill specific.

- Includes an interactive "Touch Probe" port on the back.



Electronica Magnetic Scale 3 Axis Mill Kits:


Electronica Magnetic Scale 3 Axis Mill Kits
Magnetic scales are the best - cut to length and can't be contaminated!
Machine Specific
Color LCD
Graphic Display
Need help choosing between the EL300 & EL400 3 axis mill displays? Click HERE

Determining Magnetic Scale Length. Magnetic scales are named according to the amount of travel the scales are built to accommodate. This is the value you should use to match the travel of your machine. As a sidenote, maximum travel will be ~ 5/8" longer, and overall length will be 5-1/2" longer than stated scale size. Using a 12" scale as an example, it is designed to fully accommodate 12" of travel, it's maximum travel will be 12-5/8", and overall length will be 17-1/2".

Scales up to 20 FEET LONG now available - Call for details
Universal Display
Mill & Lathe Functions
Mill Specific
Touch Probe Port
Color LCD  
Touch Screen
Graphic Display
Touch Probe Port
12" x 30" x 6"
12" x 30" x 6"
12" x 30" x 16"
12" x 30" x 16"
12" x 30" x 16"
12" x 36" x 16"
12" x 36" x 16"
12" x 36" x 16"
18" x 40" x 18"
18" x 40" x 18"
18" x 40" x 18"
Display Arm Bracket:
X Axis (longitudinal) Bracket:
Y Axis (in and out) Bracket:
Z Axis Quill Bracket Set - Included only with the 6" quill axis kits:
Z Axis Knee Bracket Set - Included only with the 16" and 18" knee axis kits:




Electronica 300 Series "Universal" 3 Axis Mill Display:

- The display does not have "Quick Zero" buttons like the 400 model.

- The lower eight function keys are not mill specific like the 400 model.

- The 300 model does not have a "Touch Probe" port like the 400 model.

6 Year warranty / Magnetic scales / Universal Display



Electronica 400 "Machine Specific" 3 Axis Mill Display:

- The front display has "Quick Zero" buttons for the X, Y and Z axis.

- The lower eight function keys are mill specific.

- Includes an interactive "Touch Probe" port on the back.

6 Year warranty / Magnetic scales / Mill Specific Display



Electronica 700 Color TFT LCD 3 Axis Mill Display w/ LED Backlight:


- Color LCD Touch Screen

- Graphic Display draws functions

- Can be configured for a lathe or mill

- Includes an interactive "Touch Probe" port on the back

- Kit can be ordered with the Z axis configured for the Quill or the Knee


EL700 Color LCD in the ABS mode:


EL700 Color LCD Arc Function:


EL700 Color LCD Bolt Hole Function:


EL700 Color LCD Line Hole Function:


EL700 Color LCD Grid Hole Function:


EL700 Color LCD Pocket Function:


EL700 Color LCD Optional Touch Probe:

- axis datum capture

- measure distance

- measure single or dual angle

- find center of circle on internal or external pieces


EL700 Color LCD Touch Probe (continued):

- measure step height

- measure step width

- measure outside width

- measure inside width


EL700 Color LCD Polar Coordinates Function:



Electronica Magnetic Scale 4 Axis Mill Kits:


Machine Specific
Color LCD
Graphic Display
Mill Specific
Touch Probe Port
Machine Specific
Color LCD Touch Screen
Designed for our Touch Probe

Determining Magnetic Scale Length. Magnetic scales are named according to the amount of travel the scales are built to accommodate. This is the value you should use to match the travel of your machine. As a sidenote, maximum travel will be ~ 5/8" longer, and overall length will be 5-1/2" longer than stated scale size. Using a 12" scale as an example, it is designed to fully accommodate 12" of travel, it's maximum travel will be 12-5/8", and overall length will be 17-1/2".

12" x 30" x 16" x 6"
12" x 30" x 16" x 6"
12" x 36" x 16" x 6"
18" x 40" x 18" x 6"
18" x 40" x 18" x 6"




Electronica 400 "Machine Specific" 4 Axis Mill Display:


- The lower eight function keys are mill specific.

- The front display has "Quick Zero" buttons for the X, Y and Z axis.

- Z axis Summing Function.

6 Year warranty / Magnetic scales / Mill Specific Display

Electronica 700 Color LCD 4 Axis Mill Display:

- Our most powerful, brightest display!

- Easiest to read touch screen

- Simple and intuitive interface

- Sealed Color LCD panel

- Fully interactive "Touch Probe" port on the back

- Built in mill and lathe functions - vector, summing, taper etc

- U axis can be shown independently or summed with the Z axis to sum the knee and quill movement


- Z and U axis summed together to automatically report vertical (knee and quill) movement:



Electronica Digital Readout Features:
   l Inch/Metric Display    l Line Hole Function
   l Axis "Quick-Zero" Keys    l Grid Function
   l Axis Set    l Linear Bolt Hole Function
   l User Selectable Resolution    l Arc Contouring Function
   l Half Function    l Radius / Diameter
   l Distance to Go    l Tool Offset
   l Center of Circle    l Taper Function
   l Center of Line    l Polar Coordinates
   l ABS/INC Coordinate Display Switch
   l Easy Setup Mode
   l Calculator

   l Axis Summing

   l Sub Datum Memory    l Vectoring Function
   l Power Off Memory    l Pre-Set Depth (PSD)
   l Bolt Hole Circle    l Touch Probe Input
   l Bolt Hole Arc    l Linear Error Compensation
   l Fault / Error alarm    l USB Port




Electronica Digital Readout Basic and Special Functions Explained:


Inch/Metric Display - Allows the operator to choose between inch and metric display. Resolution is .0002" or .005mm.

Axis "Quick-Zero" Keys - Unique to the 400 series displays, these 'one-touch' keys enable the user to quickly zero the selected axis.

Axis Set - Allows operator to manually input desired dimension / coordinate.

Fine / Coarse Resolution - Turns off the last decimal digit (coarse resolution) in which fine resolution is excessive.

Half Function - Automatically calculates the center of the workpiece after the edges are located.

Distance to Go - Provides a 'Near Zero Warning' to the operator as the machine nears a preset point.

Center of Circle - Allows the user to find the center of a circle after 'touching' 3 points on the circle.

Center of Line - Allows the user to find the center of a line after locating the end points.

ABS/INC Coordinate Display Switch - Allows the operator to switch between absolute and incremental display. 'Absolute' display references the work piece zero coordinate you designate. You may choose the absolute center point of your workpiece or perhaps a corner of your workpiece, the decision is yours. Incremental display references any arbitrary coordinate/position without losing your designated zero point. For example, to locate a point exactly in the middle of your workpiece you would most likely use 'absolute' display to locate the point. To locate points exactly .78 distant from an arbitrary point somewhere in the middle of your workpiece, you would then switch to 'incremental' display, designate the present position as a zero point, and then simply move your workpiece until .78 was displayed.

Calculator - The display includes a built in calculator function which provides normal mathematical functions such as: add, subtract, multiply, divide, sin, cosine, tangent, etc.

Sub Datum Memory - Allows the user to store up to 1,000 reference points. This greatly simplifies machining of repetitive parts.

Power Off Memory - This function allows the operator to store the work piece zero position in memory. If the machine is turned off at night or there is a power failure, the zero reference points can be recovered without having to reestablish the work piece zero point.   

Bolt Hole Circle - Allows the operator to drill a circular pattern of holes from a designated center point.

Bolt Hole Arc - Allows the operator to drill a pattern of holes in a semi-circle or arc from a designated center point.

Line Hole Function - Allows the operator to drill a straight line of holes along any desired angle.

Grid Function - Allows the operator to drill a grid of holes along any desired angle.

Linear Bolt Hole Function - Similar to Line Hole Function, allows the operator to create an equally spaced pattern of holes.

Arc Contouring Function - Enables the user to make an arc or bevel cut along the edge or top of a workpiece.

Radius / Diameter - When measuring radii or diameter, enables the operator to display twice the real displacement.

Tool Offset - Unique to lathe displays only, automatically compensates coordinate system for tool length and diameter. Allows 9 presets.

Taper Function - Unique to lathe displays only, automatically calculates the taper of a workpiece. 

Polar Coordinates - Allows user to measure distance in a polar coordinate measuring system.

Easy Setup Mode - Enables access to special functions, such as swapping or 'reversing' the direction a scale reads.

Axis Summing - Unique to 4 axis displays only, allows the 'coupling' or 'summing' of any two axis to read as one.

Vectoring Function - Unique to 3 axis lathe displays only, allows the 'coupling' or 'summing' of Z and Z' to read as one.

Pre-Set Depth (PSD) - Unique to EDM displays only, used to control a relay at a pre-set depth setting.

Touch Probe Input - Unique to 400 displays only, allows a 'touch' or 'contact probe' to be connected to the display. Especially useful for determining center points of circles.

Linear Error Compensation - Used to 'calibrate' the scales, Linear Error Compensation provides improved display accuracy. Electronica's method of inputting LEC correction is the simplest we've ever seen. Other brands have you calculate multiple complex "correction factors" that slowly correct you towards your desired calibration. Literally, this 'old' way of calibration can take hours, even days. Electronica's method is to simply measure a predetermined distance, and then enter that distance into the display - the 'correction factor' is automatically calculated and applied in the background - simple, easy and best of all, fast!

USB Port - Common to all Electronica displays, a USB port allows easy software updates, ensuring your DRO won't become obsolete!


The following drills and taps are helpful when installing Electronica kits:


Scale Endcaps M3 x .5 plug tap Enco Part #510-1218
Mounting the Scales M4 x .7 plug tap Enco Part #510-1272
  M4 x .7 bottom tap Enco Part #510-1170
  3.30mm drill for M4 taps Enco Part #317-8273
Scale & Readhead Brackets M6 x 1.0 plug tap Enco Part #510-1299
  M6 x 1.0 bottom tap Enco Part #510-1213
  5.00mm drill for M6 taps Enco Part #317-8286




Benefits of Magnetic Scales

There are currently three different scale types available for digital readout systems. They are magnetic, glass, and inductive. Glass scales rely upon an optical encoder and receiver mounted inside of an aluminum extrusion. If the scale becomes contaminated by coolant, oil or dust, they are rendered useless.

Inductive scales are impervious to contamination. The disadvantages are they're bulky, expensive, and difficult to mount.

Magnetic scales combine the best of optical and inductive technology. Magnetic scales are impervious to coolant, liquid or dust, yet are slimmer than either of the other two technologies. They're easier to mount, more durable, and can be broken down into convenient lengths for shipping. The first thing customers notice with magnetic scales is that the readhead and the scale are completely separate components. This means mounting magnetic scales is easier than any other type scale - since the readhead mounts separately from the scale, mounting is much quicker, and a whole lot easier! Prior to Electronica, magnetic scales were prohibitively expensive. Today, they are on par pricewise with optical scales. In summary, magnetic scales hold all the advantages of the other technologies, without retaining the negative qualities of being higher priced or difficult to install that inductive scales suffer from.



Why should you buy from DRO PROS?

We speak English - We answer our phones - Same day shipping

Veteran owned, Veteran managed - and proud of it!


Our goal is to make customers for life. We feel that, in the long run, treating customers right will yield much more than simply "going for the sale". In accordance with that, we have attempted to pass on some ideas to help you, the customer, in completing your purchase decision:


Price. Probably the most talked about factor when buying a digital readout. Price can also be the most misleading, and perhaps worst way, to judge a digital readout kit. We've all heard the old adage, "You get what you pay for." Before the internet, it was true, price did generally correlate directly to value. But that was yesterdays economy. All resellers obtained their goods the same way, and therefore incurred the same costs. In today's economy, the market has changed drastically. At DRO PROS, we import and sell directly to you. Unlike our competitors, we do not have Western and Eastern sales divisions and multi layers of management to support. One location, one cost, and the savings get passed on to you!


Intuitiveness or "Ease of Use". Probably the most important, and hardest to determine factor when buying a readout. Think in terms of after the sale. Even if you get an absolute 'rock star' bottom line price that would make William Shatner proud, if the digital readout is not user friendly, you still didn't get a 'deal'. The whole point of getting a digital readout is to make your work easier and more enjoyable. If the digital readout is poorly designed, too complicated, if the display isn't bright enough, or in other words is 'user unfriendly', you'll regret your purchase decision every time you turn it on. It simply won't matter what you paid, it's not worth it!


Support. Most likely the second most important, and perhaps most overlooked factor when buying a digital readout. Imagine trying to reach a technician when you've bought a digital readout from an overseas reseller! Yet every day, people "save" $50 and buy products on eBay without stopping to think what will happen when they need service or tech support. Some digital readout resellers don't even publish a phone number! While our competitors continue to pare down or even totally eliminate their customer support, we continue to expand our Customer Service. Our Video Tutorials are the best in the industry, and are available free for you, our customers. Our tech help is the best in the business - our techs all know our readouts inside and out. Nobody knows digital readouts like DRO PROS!


Warranty. DRO PROS is proud to offer the industries safest, longest, lifetime warranty on all of our Electronica magnetic scale kits. DRO PROS brand warranty claims are handled directly by DRO PROS. No run-arounds, no hassle! Something not working as expected? Call us, don't get redirected overseas like the other guys!


Parts. Can you believe some resellers don't carry parts? That's right, buy from the "other guys", break a scale, and you get to replace the entire digital readout kit! Don't assume you can just go buy a different brand scale, either, because most manufacturers use different connectors on their scales. If that wasn't enough, even among those with a common connector, such as a DB9, most are hard wired differently. Finally, don't overlook the cost of parts. At DRO PROS, an 800mm replacement scale will cost you $197. A similar scale sold extensively by a European company will cost nearly $700! Finally, we have a massive inventory of parts, so rest easy - a replacement part is only a phone call away!


The Best Value. We literally search world-wide for the best value digital readout products on the planet. If there was a better digital readout package to be sold, we would be selling it. Yes, we've seen cheaper units on eBay, but there is a reason they're cheaper. Think poor quality, no parts, no manual, non-existent customer service, poor product fit/finish etc.


Customer Service. We pledge to never "over sell" you on a product that won't work well for you. Our philosophy is to try and save you money and get the best value kit tailored to the machinery you have. Many of our customers are surprised when we recommend against buying a more expensive brand. Again, our philosophy is to build customers for life. Give us a call and let us save you money!


Shipping. Most orders ship the same day, the next at the latest. We do not 'drop' ship, we have our own massive warehouse of inventory right here on site. We use UPS, you'll get a tracking number emailed to you immediately, and we cover all shipping insurance automatically.


The Company. DRO PROS is a veteran owned, American company. We enjoy selling quality products at competitive prices. We believe that  providing the best customer service is the key to success. No other company spends more time on the phone with customers than we do. Even in a down economy, our company continues to thrive and grow. We look forward to earning your business! 


The Bottom Line. Our line of digital readout's are simply the most user friendly readouts on the planet. Because of our direct marketing structure, they're also extremely affordable. Coupled with our extensive customer service and affordable parts, our Digital Readout products are simply the best value on the planet.




Domestic Shipping to the United States: All digital readout shipping is done via UPS for a flat rate of $43. You'll get a tracking number emailed direct to you from UPS, enabling you to track your shipment door to door! We cover insurance against any potential shipping damages, so no hidden fees here!


International Shipping to Canada: All of our DRO shipping is done via UPS. We charge a flat fee of $80.


International Shipping elsewhere: All of our DRO shipping is done via the United States Postal Service via a flat rate of $140.


Industry Leading Unlimited Lifetime Warranty

Electronica magnetic kits = Unlimited Lifetime Warranty

DRO PROS brand warranty claims are handled directly by DRO PROS.

No run-arounds, no hassle!


At DRO PROS, we take care of our customers. Have an issue or need some help? Let us take care of it with a toll-free call to California!


Call us now at 1-707-452-8434


We accept credit cards, checks and money order for payment



Call us now at 1-707-452-8434 for all your digital readout needs!



4992 Allison Parkway Suite G

Vacaville, CA 95688 US

Phone: 707-452-8434



(707) 452-8434     (707) 452-8437     (877) 628-6028

Our Kit and Part Prices always beat Heidenhain Newall Acurite Sargon & Fagor!


Unlimited Lifetime Warranty on Magnetic DRO Kits